Monday, 5/1
10 rounds, for time - 9 squats 6 push-ups
Friday, 4/28
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3
Thursday, 4/27
Double Metcon 3 cycles 4:00 work, 2:00 rest Row 500 AMRAP double unders (or sub burpees) for the remaining time. Rest 5:00 4 rounds: 1:00...
Wednesday, 4/26
For time: 50 Medball cleans (20/14) 25 Push jerk (155/105) 50 Medball cleans
Tuesday, 4/25
6-9-12-9-6 Burpee over the bar Front squat (185/135) Chest to bar pull-ups
Monday, 4/24 - At Home (last day)
WOD Tabata squats 1:00 break Tabata sit-ups Link for Tabata timer and music See you at the Pavilion on Tuesday!