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Thursday, Sept 21


5:00 AMRAP:

10 bar touches

5 push ups + DB row

10 grasshoppers

10 pulsing calf stretch each leg

10 PVC pass through


Tier 1:

5 muscle ups

50 double unders

4 muscle ups

40 double unders


1 muscle up

10 double unders

Tier 2:

5 pull ups

5 dips (feet elevated)

50 double under attempts

4 pull ups

4 dips

40 double attempts


1 pull up

1 dip

10 double attempts

Tier 3:

5 banded pull ups

5 dips (feet on ground)

50 single unders + 10 double attempts to finish

4 banded pull ups

4 dips

40 single unders + 8 double attempts to finish


1 banded pull up

1 dip

10 single unders + 2 double attempts to finish

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